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Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training

Empowering Administrators, Teachers, and Students to Discover Their Full Potential

Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training

Student Accelerators

Students build confidence, decrease stress, and create deeper relationships when they understand themselves and their tendencies better. Our 5 Voices training helps students identify their personal behavior patterns, so they gain a sense of what it's like on the other side of them. Add the 5 Gears training that helps students know what behaviors are appropriate at the right time and you have the beginning of accelerated growth! Learn more...

Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training

Toolkit Training

Relevant, powerful tools to easily enhance instruction with application for conflict resolution and differentiated instruction. We know teachers' time is precious, so the tools can be adapted for any subject without having to reconstruct unit plans.


In addition, we offer a variety of courses that have been approved for CEUs. Learn more...

Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training

SLT Team Development

Not all leadership teams are the same, and a change in people can alter the dynamics of the team radically. Improve your teamwork, gain insight into what contributes to tensions between staff and students, and learn practical communication strategies for parents. Learn more...

What People Say

The leadership camp was transformational - life changing in fact. I came to realize that I have strengths and these make me who I am - I am worthy and unique.
Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training
For Students
Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training


Students may not realize how much their personality influences how they approach relationships, academics, and future choices. Understanding more about their personality provides greater confidence and unlocks clues to deeper relationships.


Our personality training takes the complicated Myers-Briggs and converts it into a much more "sticky" and workable 5 Voices.


Each of the Voices represents a different personality style with positive behaviors, learning opportunities, and danger zones.


We stress that everyone is all 5 Voices and learning each of the Voices is a way to better understand yourself and others.


Creating greater self-awareness translates to greater peace, appreciation of others' gifts, and a new perspective on future activities.


The trainings are designed for students in grades 10-12. There are easy applications for MYP Projects and ToK.

Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training


Our time is not usually spent with intention - especially as a student. The 5 Gears provides guidance for a more focused and productive way to approach their day.


It's all based on being in the right "gear" at the right time.


And personality matters.


Everyone has natural rhythms and patterns of behavior that need to be encouraged or disrupted. Knowing what approaches come naturally allows students to understand what they are already good at and what they need to be more intentional about.


While the training addresses time-management, it also explores how to have more meaningful connection with others.


The trainings are designed for students in grades 10-12. There are easy applications for MYP Projects and ToK.

Here's a glimpse of our student training...

Whether it's for a whole grade level or a specific class, these trainings highly impact students and have a long-lasting effect.

Organizations we have worked with:

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Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training
For Teachers

Our trainings introduce specific, highly adaptable visual tools and strategies that can create efficient feedback from the students, heighten self-awareness while increasing content understanding, and create more powerful group interactions.


As an example, the tool to the right creates a way for both students and teachers to determine what they need most for any given lesson and in life. After explaining the tool, the teacher could ask the question to the students, "What does support and challenge look like for you right now?"


Whether it's a whole class discussion or individual conference, the responses may surprise you. This tool can be used as an exit poll, as well, to see how the lesson landed with the whole class, instead of just the more vocal ones.


And this is one of many tools that have practical application to enhance instruction without a huge rewrite of curriculum.


Possible trainings/in-service for teachers includes: 5 Voices, 5 Gears, Inter-Cultural Awareness, Maximizing Influence, Toolkit Sessions.


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Ask us about trainings approved for CEU!

Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training

"“Students with higher emotional intelligence may be better able to manage negative emotions, such as anxiety, boredom and disappointment, that can negatively affect academic performance...Also, these students may be better able to manage the social world around them, forming better relationships with teachers, peers and family, all of which are important to academic success.”

- Dr. Carolyn MacCann

Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training
For Senior Leadership Teams

Administrators are often so busy with the running of the school that their own personal and professional leadership development gets pushed to the side.  Don't let this happen to you and your team, especially since the cohesiveness (or lack thereof) of your team impacts the entire organization!

Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training


How intentional are you about your team's culture? Our engaging process gives voice to your values and emotions that are most important for your team (and school) to feel daily.


Clarifying and aligning these (often unspoken) expectations and desires creates a guideline for what kinds of policies, activities, interactions, and physical environment will encourage those desired values and emotions to thrive.


Contact us for more information!

Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training


Personalities matter. And our default tendencies may not always work out the way we hoped. By gaining deep insights into the way you and your leadership team functions, you can better appreciated what each brings to the team, build on each others' strengths, and encourage each other in areas of growth.


Your increased self-awareness will help you lead yourself, your team, and your organization more effectively, as well as understand how to better interact with parents and students.


Contact us for more information!

Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training


We have a wide range of online resources that you can use with your team. These can be a powerful way to provide professional development! Add coaching and in-person training, you have a recipe for fast growth and team improvement.


GiANT OS Pro is an all-in-one subscription that gives you access to all of the GiANT leadership resources. This includes assessments, online courses, leadership tools, and more. You can use it as an individual, but its true power is revealed when using it with your team or entire organization.


Sign up now for just $10/user/mo.

Armandee Drew

Armandee  has engaged in leadership development on four continents over the past 20 years, working in the field of education, counseling, corporate and nonprofit sectors, and faith communities. She specializes in transformational executive coaching and facilitating the emergence and evolution of flourishing teams and communities.


With a background in counseling, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and a Master's degree in Global Leadership, Armandee brings a healing presence to her coaching and leadership consulting. She helps leaders become more secure, confident, and self-aware, empowering them to fight for the highest possible good of those they lead.

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Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training, Armandee Drew
Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training, Chris Drew
Chris Drew

Chris has helped develop leaders in the US, Germany, Indonesia, and the UAE. He uses his training as a consultant with GiANT Worldwide, his intercultural training (ICI) from the Middle East, his training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming from iNLP, and his training as an ICF coach to help organizations create highly functioning teams, so that each person becomes happier in their workplace and more productive.


His 30 years in education as an IB English and ToK teacher gives him an experienced perspective into the strengths and challenges schools face. He has also served as teacher mentor, Head of English, Head of ToK, IB English Moderator, IB English Examiner, and speaker at IBAEM Regional Conference.

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Education, leadership training, professional development, student development, teacher training, Chris Drew, Armandee Drew

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